By Ahmad Jawad

Writer is Chief Visionary Officer of World’s First Smart Thinking Tank ” Beyond The Horizon” and most diverse professional of Pakistan. See writer’s profile at

Video by RT " Game Changer" should not be far from truth. It's significance lies more in the ability of Russia to lead information Warfare. Information Warfare was the monopoly of US & West but now Russia has learnt its lessons & Social Media provided the opportunity. A new change in the Game Changer is Turkey now tilting towards Russia. Another change is related to Philippine's stance motivated by US on South China Sea got major setback when Philippines President calling Obama " Son of Whore" in a press conference. US has been found in its own ditches dug for others in recent times.

CPEC is the ultimate nail in the coffin of US monopoly & exploitation over international politics. China, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Syria, South Africa, Brazil & Central Asian States are the regions where the nails are expected to be fixed in the Coffin. World is going through the cycle of " Game Changer". It's time of alertness & conviction of using Information Warfare to own advantage timely & efficiently.