By Ahmad Jawad


I was always apprehensive whether will we ever get rid of Nawaz Sharif & Zardari due to inherent flaws in our elections system.

But today after Nawaz Sharif’s fake admission of Pakistan’s alleged involvement in Mumbai attack, i can clearly see Nawaz Sharif will go down the history worse than any other politician in the history of Pakistan. He will also take entire Sharif family with him in this land slide to total destructions. Family of Sharifs will be buried under tons of disgrace & shame. An era of corruption, incompetence, ignorance and mafia of God Fathers is near to an end. Those who took life boats from the sinking Titanic of Nawaz Sharif, will be the only survivors. They will have to leave their Patwari ideology at the Quarter Deck of sinking Titanic.

I can now predict that Nawaz Sharif might end up with max 20-30 seats in next elections. My last estimate few weeks ago on 2018 elections was 80 seats for PMLN.

I can vividly recall one evening sitting with Imran Khan in the Parliament lodges back in 2004/5. Imran Khan could not afford an office for PTI so his allocated Parliament lodge was being used as PTI office. Musharraf had blocked everything and everybody leading to Imran Khan. People with high stakes would not meet and stand with Imran Khan under fear of compromise on their vested interest.Imran Khan was the only strong voice at that time attacking dictatorial role of Musharraf. Nawaz Sharif and Benazir both had fled the country, only to return after NRO. At that point of time, anybody who could be found close to Imran Khan would fear getting deprived from his vested interests attached to a dictator. It was one of those evenings with very few people sitting in his office and there were no long queues to meet Imran Khan. I inquisitively asked Imran Khan how would he plan his political strategy in such difficult times.

Imran Khan narrated me the history of Holy Prophet and Salahuddin Ayubi how one man can change the history. It’s not the visible strategy but it’s the faith, honesty of purpose, determination and never losing hope kind of attitude which leads you to right strategy one day. I always tried to search for a strategy while analysing Imran Khan, and I always found only faith, determination & hope and no strategy. How can a person be successful without a strategy? Yes he can be successful if his strategy is faith, hope, honesty, hard work & determination. Analytics & Academia never believe in this strategy. Only all great leaders believed in this strategy. Today Imran Khan has wronged everybody in this country. His stance against corruption has finally led Nation to get rid of these vultures.

I think Nawaz Sharif has nailed the last in his own coffin, not because he has gone against establishment but because of his desperation and playing last card of blaming his own motherland. It was his last card, he has nothing else to play, game is over. In coming days, there will be many more leaving sinking Titanic of Nawaz Sharif and joining the ship of hope whose captain is Imran Khan.

Altaf Hussain is over but Post Altaf Hussain chaos is still all around in Karachi.

Nawaz Sharif will be over along with diesel, Asfand, Achakzai and likes of them in next elections.

Zardari has survived this cleansing this time but not for very long.

All I am worried is that such essential cleansing might carry a cost of chaos. I hope cost is manageable. We have finally reached end of road where there will be pitched battle with RAW, NDS, CIA, Mossad and corrupt & resourceful mafia of Pakistan which was developed & grown strong in last 50 years.

Is it a coincidence that all Anti Pakistan elements like Hussain Haqqani, Altaf Hussain, Tariq Fatah, Achakzai, Indian Media, so called liberal media of Pakistan, Afghan President & Western Media are backing PTM simultaneously?

Is it a coincidence, all of them have a common cause i.e. to target & weaken Pakistan Military. They failed to achieve this at Waziristan, they failed to achieve this in Karachi, they failed to achieve this at Baluchistan. They failed to achieve this through Dawn Leaks. PTM is latest & new strategy of such elements.

I have full faith in PTI under Imran Khan.

I have full trust in Army under Qamar Bajwa,

I have full faith in Supreme Court under Saquib Nisar


Is it still not a great vulnerability of our institutions that they still depend on few Individuals.

I hope & pray that Army becomes an institution with a theme started by Raheel Sharif and progressed by Qamar Bajwa. I hope Army does not have any more Zia, Musharraf & Kayani.

I wish Supreme Court becomes an institution to progress on what Saquib Nisar has started. I hope We never have judges like CJ Iftikhar Ch & Justice Qayyum.

I hope & wish Imran Khan, whenever he leaves the stage, he does not leave behind Badawi & Najeeb like in the case of Mahathir, rather he leaves behind a stable team like in the case of Lee Kuan.

Imran Khan, Qamar Bajwa & Saquib Nisar, whenever you leave the stage, please plan & organise now to leave behind an institution which can continue your legacy. Nation is tired and there may never be another Imran Khan, let’s steal the opportunity.